Four Foot Problems You Could Get from Wearing High Heels

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Wearing High Heels

High heel shoes are a classy pair of footwear that almost all women should be familiar with, they are worn often to work and formal events, but according to podiatrists and surgeons, they can be a detriment to not just your feet, but also your legs and body. If you choose to ignore pain and foot problems that you may get from wearing high heels, then any injury you may have will be aggravated and could become a permanent foot problem. Here are all the possible foot problems that can come from wearing high-heeled shoes on a regular basis.

Foot and Ankle Pain

By wearing high heels, women have to change the way they walk to accommodate their footwear. Wearing high heels causes changes in women’s gait as well as a lack of support. Over time, wearing high heels simply can make your heels and ankles sore, considering your feet are not flat on the ground.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is the stretching of the bottom of your foot, which can lead to pain and swelling, and can make everyday actions like standing and walking rather difficult. Wearing high heels is like walking on tiptoes, and our feet were not meant for walking on toes, even if high heels do give the foot more support.

Reshaping Muscles and Tendons

The shape of your feet can actually change with continued use of high heels. Like wearing a set of braces or a corset, the restrictions of high heels that your feet experience will cause your muscles and tendons to change to be better suited for high heels. While it makes wearing high heels easier as your feet get used to them, walking flat-footed will be harder, and you will need orthopedic care in order to walk comfortably in shoes again.

Toe Problems

Wearing high heels can also lead to one of many toe problems. One of them is an ingrown toenail, a condition where the side of the toe digs into the flesh. If not treated, it can become infected. This is due to the toes having to squeeze together in order for your foot to fit into high heels. Having to do this can lead to other toe problems such as hammertoe and bunions. Meet with your podiatrist about whether or not you require hammertoe surgery Houston for your toe problems from high heels.

If you wear high heels and have no plans to stop, here are some tips to consider avoiding foot problems in the future:

Choose Heels with a Lower Heel

Your average high heel is sometimes too high for your foot to be comfortable to wear. However, there are heels that one can wear that are lower to the ground. Wearing these causes your feet to not stretch out as much, and there will be less pressure on the ball of your foot overall.

Choose High Heels with Wider Toe Space

Narrow high heels are meant to look elegant, but they definitely are not good for your feet. Instead, you can opt to wear high-heeled shoes with wide toe boxes. These shoes give your toes more room and can prevent toe problems later on.

Wear High Heels Sparingly

The longer you wear high heels, the better odds that your muscles will contract and cause problems. Give your feet at least a day of rest after each time you wear them.

High heels are not without their flaws, so consider wearing high heels sparingly to avoid future problems with your arches, toes, and heels. Your feet will thank you later!