Nagler Foot Center is No Stranger to Heel Pain

November 30, 2016
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Arthritis patients are prone to develop plantar fasciitis – particularly those with inflammatory forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and reactive arthritis, as well as in those with fibromyalgia.

Other causes include being overweight, standing too long, having arches that are either too high or too flat, or wearing unsupportive, hard-soled shoes.

Keep in mind; never wait to call Houston’s Foot Doc, Sherman Nagler if you have Heel Pain. One of the biggest problems associated with plantar fasciitis is that every day walking can be painful, yet walking for exercise is one of the best therapies for it.

There are ways to heal plantar fasciitis, so you can feel better all over and keep walking.Begin by using ice and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve), if necessary, to reduce inflammation.After a week or two of minimizing time on your feet, stretching the tissues (see below) and decreasing inflammation, you should be able to get out and walk comfortably at the end of each day, provided you wear a heel cushion in supportive, soft-soled shoes.

After walking, stretch your feet, we always advise you to call us and schedule a consultation. You may not be able to walk as far or as fast as you did prior to developing plantar fasciitis, but continuing to walk will help you heal further. You can slowly work back to your regular pace and distance.If pain persists, call Nagler Foot Center at 713.529.1010 or visit our website at about wearing a night splint – a boot-like device that keeps your foot flexed while you sleep. If the pain is severe, a walking cast may be needed. Injections of inflammation-reducing corticosteroids can be considered, and surgery to release tension in the plantar fascia is an option of last resort for severe cases.