7 Reasons Why You Should Seek Ankle Surgery When Needed

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Reasons Why You Should Seek Ankle Surgery When Needed

Ankle surgery, also known as ankle arthroscopy, is a minimally invasive procedure used to diagnose and treat problems within the ankle joint. The ankle joint comprises the tibia, fibula, and talus bones and is held together by ligaments and tendons. Ankle surgery can be performed to repair or remove damaged tissue, such as cartilage or bone fragments, or to realign the bones of the ankle.

The procedure is typically performed using an arthroscope, a small camera, and light attached to a tube. The surgeon makes small incisions around the ankle and inserts the arthroscope to view the inside of the joint. They can then use small instruments to make repairs or remove damaged tissue.

Ankle surgery in Houston is a safe and effective way to treat various ankle conditions and can help improve pain and mobility for patients. It is important for patients to have realistic expectations about the recovery process and to follow their surgeon’s instructions for post-operative care.

Reasons Why You Should Seek Ankle Surgery When Needed